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Bromeliads: Nature’s Natural Fireworks featuring Floristry Tips from Su Whale

Writer's picture: Su WhaleSu Whale
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There are so many things to love about bromeliads; they’re attractive, colourful, fun, easy to care for and can flower for up to six months in the right spot. A diverse group, there is one to suit any size of house, large or small, from stately home to student flat.

What are Bromeliads? 

Bromeliads are a group of plants native to the tropical Americas where they live on trees, rocks or the forest floor. Consequently they have shallow root systems so don’t like to be planted in deep soil or be overwatered. The rosette shape of their leaves makes them capable of collecting rainwater and channelling it into the centre of the plant.

What is a bract? 

A bract is simply a modified leaf, often brightly coloured, which, in the absence of a flower, is designed to attract pollinators.


Aechmea, or Silver Vase Plant, is an impressive bromeliad with a showy pink flower which, due to its serrated leaves and tendency to become top heavy when in full bloom, is best displayed in an area where it’s not going to be brushed against or disturbed.

Temperature: Warm/hot. 15-21°C.

Watering: Use soft, distilled water, if possible, poured directly into the central well leaf of the plant. Mist in hot weather.

Light: Bright, indirect light.

Tip: They dislike sudden changes in temperature. Display away from cold draughts.

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