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New MD for Flower Council of Holland

Yvonne Watzdorf has been appointed the new managing director of the Flower Council of Holland (FCH).

Yvonne has extensive management experience at, among others, various retailers and producers of consumer products and has excelled at leading organisations in times of change.

Together with the rest of the FCH team, she will shape and give meaning to FCH’s future as it goes through its own changes.

Commenting on Ms Watzdorf’s appointment, Marco van der Sar - Chairman of the Board said: “The Board is confident that under Yvonne’s leadership, FCH will continue to maintain and reinforce its importance for the sector. The coming 18 months are essential.”

The Flower Council of Holland is a foundation that aims to entice consumers into buying more flowers and plants. Through collective campaigns and targeted shopper activations, they aim to create as much interest as possible within key target audiences through the eye-catching and highly successful channels of #Funnyhowflowersdothat and #ThanksPlants.

Working on behalf of the horticultural sector, all activities are created in collaboration with growers and exporters with the effects and results constantly monitored to ensure optimal results.

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